Well I wonder could it be是的,我很驚訝,這是真的嗎?
When I was dreaming about you baby當我夢到你時
You were dreaming of me你也正在做有關我的夢
Call me crazy你稱我瘋狂
Call me blind你說我盲目
To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time在我們之間的事已過去那么長時間仍然在為此傷痛

Did I lose my love to someone better是否我將屬于我的愛給與她會更好一點
And does she love you like I do她是否會像我那樣愛你
I do, you know I really really do確實,我真的真的那樣愛你

Well hey是的,
So much I need to say.我多么多么地想告訴你
Been lonely since the day我是多么的孤獨
The day you went away自從你離去的那天起

So sad but true那樣真實的悲傷
For me there's only you對我而言只有你
Been crying since the day自從你離開的那天起我就一直在哭泣
The day you went away自從你離去的那天起

I remember date and time我記得日期和時間
September twenty second九月的二十二號
Sunday twenty five after nine星期天九點二十五分零二秒
In the doorway with your case在你離開的門前
No longer shouting at each other我們彼此間不再爭吵
There were tears on our faces只有淚水掛在我們的臉上

And we were letting go of something special我們由于發生了一些特殊的事而分手
Something we'll never have again一些我們間再也不會發生的事
I know, I guess I really really know我明白,我想我真的明白

Well hey是的
So much I need to say我多么多么地想告訴你
Been lonely since the day我是多么的孤獨
The day you went away自從你離去的那天起

So sad but true那樣真實的悲傷
For me there's only you對我而言只有你
Been crying since the day自從你離開的那天起我就一直在哭泣
The day you went away自從你離去的那天起

The day you went away自從你離去的那天起
The day you went away自從你離去的那天起

Did I lose my love to someone better是否我將屬于我的愛給與她會更好一點
And does she love you like I do她是否會像我那樣愛你
I do, you know I really really do確實,我真的真的那樣愛你

Well hey是的
So much I need to say我多么的想告訴你
Been lonely since the day我是多么的孤獨
The day you went away自從你離開的那天起

So sad but true那樣真實的悲傷
For me there's only you對我而言只有你
Been crying since the day自從你離開的那天起我就一直在哭泣
The day you went away自從你離開的那天起

Why do we never know what we've got till it's gone為什么直到分手手我們才明白究竟得到了什么
How could I carry on讓我怎樣繼續
The day you went away自從你離開的那天起

Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say因為我不得不說我是多么的想念你
Been crying since the day自從你離開的那天起我就一直在哭泣
The day you went away自從你離開的那天起

The day you went away自從你離開的那天起
The day you went away自從你離開的那天起


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